Ninety per cent of common colds are due to viral infections. The body’s immune system must be relied upon to deal with the virus, as antibiotics are not useful against viruses. The best treatment for the common cold is to support the immune system with diet, herbs, rest, water therapy and vitamins and minerals.
DIET: Diet modifications necessary to support the immune system include:
• Decrease consumption of solid foods.
• Increase consumption of water and fluids. Eight or more cups per day.
• Decrease or eliminate consumption of simple sugars and fruit juices. Sugar and fruit juice have been shown to suppress the germ eating power of white blood cell.
• Avoiding dairy, wheat and eggs may decrease mucous production.
REST: The only treatment is available for uncomplicated cases of the common cold when experiencing symptoms include: bed rest, plenty of fluids, gargling with warm salt water, and petroleum jelly for a raw nose. Rest and decreased activity cannot be overemphasized.
VITAMINS AND MINERALS: The immune system requires adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals to function most effectively. Typical adult dosages for use during an infection are as follows:
• Vitamin C – 500 milligrams every two hours
• Bioflavonoids - 1 gram per day
• Vitamin A - 5,000 IU per day OR
• Beta Carotene - 25, 000 IU per day
• Zinc - 30 milligrams per day
Note: Vitamin C has been shown to decrease the duration of a common cold if given at the initial onset.
• Echinacea species (3 time/day): dried root or tea (0.5-1gram); or tincture (1:5): 2-4 ml or fluid extract (1:1): 2-4 ml, or solid extract (3.5% echinacosides): 150-300 mg
• Garlic bulbs (1 to 2 cloves/day).
• NUTRITIONAL/HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS: If you would like a product that has a unique blend of high quality and potent immune boosting herbs and nutrients consider Herbal Biotic (by Vital Nutrients). It can be obtained at the ABC and Natural Food Store on King Street Hamilton.
Children’s dosage: Age of child years divided by the age of child + 12 = portion of adult dose
Alternating (contrast) Hot and Cold Shower (for adults)
1. Begin at very warm and quickly increase temperature to hot
2. Continue at this point for about 1 minute
3. Quickly lower temperature to cold for 15 to 30 seconds
4. Continue the above procedures for two or three additional contrast showers
5. Finish with cold, a friction rub with a dry towel and 30 minutes bed rest if unwell
6. Complete procedure once or twice a day
Please Note: For safety reasons start with warm and cool contrast showers and ask you’re
Doctor first if you have major health problems. Avoid hot and cold water if you are a diabetic, have poor circulation or have a compromised ability to sense touch or changes in skin temperature.
SPREAD OF THE COMMON COLD: Contamination studies have demonstrated that viral infections are spread much more readily by direct contact than through the air. Therefore cleanliness and not sharing utensils, toothbrushes, etc. should be observed. This is especially important with babies and young infants as they have a greater tendency to be held and touched.
FACTORS THAT INCREASE NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY: These habits will increase the ability of the body to successfully fight off invading germs.
• Not smoking
• Increased intake of green vegetables
• Regular meals
• Proper body weight
• More than 7 hours of sleep/night
• Regular exercise
• A vegetarian diet
• Short-term fasting (24 to 48 hrs) in acute illness increases the ability of the bodies white blood cells to engulf germs by 50%