This week was part two of our November workshop show. Last week, remember that Ms. Resheemah Swan shared a few things about the committee, and what they were up to, this week, we had a few of the presentors on. Dr. Ash Molloy, Martha Kaufeldt, Ako Kamdon, Lisa Daily, and Cheri Eck, shared a bit of their expertise with our listeners.
Dr. Ash Molloy runs the Transformation Education Institute, a group whose mission is to promote and empower persons who seek to include everyone. Dr. Ash, was recommended by a few of our Para-Educators, who, after hearing him present at a conference, insisted that the Union bring him in and utilyze his expertise. He presented a workshop for our Paras, and stressed the following things for any successful school:
1. Collaboration is key
2. Communication is key
3. Don't judge people
He also stressed that any one in the school system take on the attitude of service.
Martha Kaufeldt, is an experienced educator, presenter, and author whose concentration is dealing with Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning. Her site is full of information, ideas and links, check it out. She shared three basic points concerning brain learning:
1. Brain learning is minimized while the brain is under stress
2. The brain grows and develops if we play
3. When it comes to what you know, you have to use it, or lose it
She comes from the angle that since we are dealing with the brain, we might as well understand how it works and how it works best in order to ensure our young scholars get the most out of our lessons.
Lisa Dailey, a counselor at one of our senior schools stressed the "unsent letter". Getting those ill feelings that you may have towards someone out in a productive way. She can be contacted at awakenings88@yahoo.com.
Cheri Eck, presented on a few interesting things also,on math games and her site can be reached by clicking here. Her 30-sided dice and other tricks had her participants really engaged in meaningful tasks.
Ako Kamdon was the keynote speaker and had the entire crowd enthrawled by his words of wisdom and motivation. Representing the Visionary Learners Institute, Mr. Kamdon shared a few thoughts to us on how to move from being a collection to a group:
1. Envision your goal
2. Take criticism
3. Know your gifts
4. Approach people in the right spirit, a humble spirit, one of a person willing to serve.
The brother is dynamic!!! Check his site to find out more or to contact him.
So, what a show, click here to listen if you missed it. Enjoy, leave us your thoughts, enjoy!!
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