Ok, so the Talking Teacher has been delinquent in posting thoughts, and for that, I apologiize, ok, give me a detention, give me a demerit. lol But I was just looking at some pictures, the world's reaction to the inaugural events. This has been an awesome event. The funny thing is that words cannot even properly describe the impact, the effects, the affects of the whole event. There is the political, the social, the marital, the unmesurable rammifications of the new president, Mr. Barack Obama. As one song writer said- it is truly a new day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Talking Teacher has truly been motivated by the events of Nov 4th, as well as those of this past Tuesday. To those of you who helped pave the way for this monumental day- I thank you!! I sat watching the events, thinking of my grandfather, trying to imagine what his reaction would have been. Would he be rejoicing? I imagine a tear, a silent tear. I am getting chocked up just thinking of him and the hundreds of others who alwyas hoped for that day, but never thought it would be in their lifetime.
If nothing else, be motivated. President Obama has raised the bar. Not only in presidential type things, but for relationships. How may you ask? When making his first appearance, he raises his hand and says, 'Isn't my wife beautiful?" WOW!!!!!!!!!! The man is smooooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll end there, there is much more to express, but I end with this point- he is left handed also. :)
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