Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bermuda's Educators Council- Is Big Brother Watching?

Today we had on Mr A. Richardson, and Mrs. T. Richardson (no relation) members of the Bermuda Educators Council. There were many questions and comments emailed to us in preparation to this show. Here are some:

- Are teachers involved in these decisions? If not, we need to be. It seems, the reason for the demise of the Education System according to the last report done, is in fact that the department keeps making decisions for us instead of letting us get on with it. Teachers, I think, feel, like they are on a merry go round, head spinning, trying to make sense of all the top down decisions, workshop after workshop of the latest craze. When can we just teach?

- I need to get the forms.

Will there be an annual certification fee and how much professional development is required at each level to remain certified annually?

Many of our members were a little bit concerned as to the nature of this council. The two representatives that we had on the show cleared up a lot of these misconceptions. They explained it all, in essence as an attempt to provide the best in teaching to our young scholars. It makes sense! This will help to sort out those who may not need to be in the classroom, and ensures, not only that qualified educators are in position to help, but ensures that they keep their "tools" sharpened with professional development.

This and other initiatives makes the Talking Teacher think that this is a rather interesting time to be a teacher. There are so many new developments on the horizon, what will the future hold? Only time will tell. One thing that we can be sure of though, is that the Bermuda Educator's Council is trying to do their part to make sure teachers say on top. Want to see their site and find out more information about them? click here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lessons in "Letting Go": Exploring Constraints on the Culturally Relevant Teaching of Mathematics in Bermuda

Here is a link to a recent research study published on teaching in Bermuda in an international journal. The title: Lessons in "Letting Go": Exploring Constraints on the Culturally Relevant Teaching of Mathematics in Bermuda . Be encouraged, there are many around the world interested in our "stories". Here is the abstract. Culturally relevant pedagogy has been highly regarded in its ability to impact the mathematics education outcomes of Black children as it is framed from the "wisdom-of-practice" of exemplary teachers, and recasts teaching as an intellectual, cultural, political, and social endeavor. This study illuminates the challenges in drawing from this potential by examining the personal and systemic challenges faced by four primary teachers in Bermuda as they endeavored to utilize perspectives of culturally relevant pedagogy to frame mathematics instruction.

Renzulli Program

By now you should be familiar with this program, I remember when I first heard of it, the name "Renzulli" somehow took my mind to the circus....ha ha ha . Nonetheless, if your want to find out more about this program, click here to see the site for yourself. The great thing about this program is that the children can work at their own pace, work independently, and it really has the potential to enhance any learning experience. Take a look for yourself.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What do you make?

What do Teachers Make?
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do . . . Those who can't, teach." To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began. . .) "Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor winner. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental. You want to know what I make?" (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.) "I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions. I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator. I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity. I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe. I make my students feel proud to be living in Bermuda, and help them to see that they are part of a global community. Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life." (Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.) "Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant . . . You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make Mr. CEO?"

His jaw dropped, he went silent.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ahhhhhhhhh, rest is good!!

Ahhhhhhh, rest is good!! Everyone needs a break. It is great to be busy, and in the groove, but when one takes a break and steps back, thinks about something else, and even does a little shopping (yes, I said it :) ), it does wonders. As we prepare to start a new week, give your students your best, come in prepared and ready to go!! Everyone knows that from now on, there are so many breaks in the school week, so you have to hit it and push them while you can, all the best everyone... have a great week!! Stay tuned for more episodes on Teacher Talk; we'll be back this Tuesday at 5:30 on Magic 102.7. Have a great week.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

WOW!! The response from the last show has been "tsunami-like".

Many people tuned in and we thank you for listening, and were enraged at the doublespeak  presented by Mr. Piper. We have had so many emails and phone calls regarding that show, one listener specifically asked for his/her mail to be posted....
Before the Talking Teacher posts though, we have found out that this number of "10" people that Mr. Piper kept referring to, may be much, much, much, much less than that...let's just say that Mr. Piper may be rounding to the nearest...10. (true story :) )

Well, without further ado, here is one of the responses that I got...

" Constantly there seems to be a public outcry for transparency and honesty!

I listened intently to the comments made on Teacher Talk this evening, April 1st, 2008. It strikes me as odd that an individual (Myron Piper) would be allowed to come a speak on a show about education and the Bermuda Union of teachers (BUT) yet he himself is ignorant of the role of this union and educational practices. For too long those who have no professional background in education are allowed to speak as a voice of experience! So, I was insulted to hear someone who has no credentials whatsoever be given a voice on a topic he is not qualified to speak about. What was even more abhorrent was to hear him speak as though he brings the same level of experience to the table as Dr. Johnson, Mike Charles and the teachers. This was laughable! In fact it became quite apparent that he is attempting to solicit information from you in order to inject himself in affairs he knows little about. I can not think of anyone who speaks, if they want to be seen as credible, from a point of ignorance, if he/she truly wishes to assist.

He called for transparency and talked of making things more overt, but when asked about his group he was unwilling to share who the members were. Only when pushed he claimed there was a committee of ten and that they were parents. When questioned further, he stated that no parents had called to join his group. More conspicuous was his refusal to share from whom he received the bogus information about the details regarding substitute teachers, strike notices and classroom practices. He then tried to blame Mr. Charles by saying that he wanted to interact on the BUT’s behalf but had no assistance from him. Most people do their homework first and don’t blame others when they get it wrong.

He accused the various educational bodies of acting singularly instead of collaborating, yet his group is engaging in the same practices he condemns. I felt that I had been subjected to to a very obvious and ostentatious attempt by Mr. Piper to get all parties provide him with information so that he can have a voice. Each party is more than capable and adept at presenting their own issues! Clearly his main aim is to use your establishment to make public noise! Clearly he needs you, you do not need him!

Mr. Piper further eroded his credibility by lying when he claimed that his children graduated from the Berkeley Inst. Neither his son nor his daughter graduated from the Berkeley Inst. They both completed the S3 level and were transferred out. His son completed his high school education at Saltus ……… It was even more disconcerting when a teacher of 19 years called in after this lady to specifically ask Mr. Piper if his children had graduated from public school and he replied yes, and she said, “hmmmmm”. This speaks directly to credibility! Would you want someone like this to advocate for you?!?!?

What qualifications does Mr. Piper have to assess the educational system? NONE!! He is a developer, one of many in Bermuda. He is not a college graduate or even a high school graduate! Yet he tries to speak with authority on a topic he is not expert in – EDUCATION! Please do not allow the great profession of teaching and your union to be used as a conduit by Mr. Piper to try and grab what he must consider as fame and glory for himself. I say this as he brings nothing to the table with his group and is just duplicating what the PTSA in each school does, only thing, they do not do it to reap public acclaim!

Where was he when his children attended our schools? And he wants us to believe he cares about other people’s children?!? NO! His actions reek of one who is seeking recognition for self! Don’t help him!! Work through your PTSA groups!! GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORT!! You have more important things to do like represent the teachers in their quest to be treated with the professional respect and dignity they have earned and deserve!"

WOW!!! As the Talking Teacher's students would say...HOT LIKE FIRE!!!! I guess that there has been and may only be one Piper that has been successful at getting something to follow him, and he lived in Hamelin. :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An interesting show!! (why is this song in my head?)

I must say, before I start on my thoughts about today's show, we had a record number of callers!! The lines never stopped lighting up! Show number 11 goes down in history as the most number of calls to this date-thanks for calling and listening. :)
Now, The Talking Teacher's Thoughts..
I left the studio today with a song going through my head, I couldn't figure out why.....

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet
I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet

I'll be yours to have and to hold
Darling you've got full control of your puppet

Pull another string and I'll kiss your lips, I'm your puppet
Snap your finger and I'll turn you some flips, I'm your puppet...

You may be familiar with this song. With this song in my head, I'll type my thoughts....

1. Interestingly, the guest and his pen spoke with two different voices. In studio, he mentioned countless times that he wanted to work together etc., however, his articles were written with words that were not so "Rodney-King-Like", you know the phrase.."Can't we all get along?" His articles did not quite speak in this tone, many inflammatory points were made, many swipes were taken and many people were outraged, insulted and felt downright disgusted by his written words.

2. There was an visitor, a young girl who came in to the studio to ask Mr. Charles a question, this was after the show was finished. Interestingly enough, her question was not hers, she was obviously given the 411 from another person. (Why is that song still in my head?) Was she the same "student" who called in to mention how her teachers always answer their phones and are always absent?

3. Someone who is really about "helping" and getting progressive movement, would they have written such inflammatory things, against teachers, as well as the departmental personnel? Wouldn't it be better to just ask the question that you really want to instead of pulling out the rapier* and jabbing at will?
(*rapier- a relatively slender, sharply pointed sword used mainly for thrusting attacks...)

4. Does the Ministry, or the B.U.T., even have to consider a group of 10 with no members?

Discussion went on way after the show was finished, it was rather passionate also, but The Talking Teacher still has that song running through the cranial membrane......

Now don't get me wrong, we do agree that things need to improve, and we do agree that there are some teachers not pulling their weight, however, if this group is really about helping and working together, a bit of advice: You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.