Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An interesting show!! (why is this song in my head?)

I must say, before I start on my thoughts about today's show, we had a record number of callers!! The lines never stopped lighting up! Show number 11 goes down in history as the most number of calls to this date-thanks for calling and listening. :)
Now, The Talking Teacher's Thoughts..
I left the studio today with a song going through my head, I couldn't figure out why.....

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet
I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet

I'll be yours to have and to hold
Darling you've got full control of your puppet

Pull another string and I'll kiss your lips, I'm your puppet
Snap your finger and I'll turn you some flips, I'm your puppet...

You may be familiar with this song. With this song in my head, I'll type my thoughts....

1. Interestingly, the guest and his pen spoke with two different voices. In studio, he mentioned countless times that he wanted to work together etc., however, his articles were written with words that were not so "Rodney-King-Like", you know the phrase.."Can't we all get along?" His articles did not quite speak in this tone, many inflammatory points were made, many swipes were taken and many people were outraged, insulted and felt downright disgusted by his written words.

2. There was an visitor, a young girl who came in to the studio to ask Mr. Charles a question, this was after the show was finished. Interestingly enough, her question was not hers, she was obviously given the 411 from another person. (Why is that song still in my head?) Was she the same "student" who called in to mention how her teachers always answer their phones and are always absent?

3. Someone who is really about "helping" and getting progressive movement, would they have written such inflammatory things, against teachers, as well as the departmental personnel? Wouldn't it be better to just ask the question that you really want to instead of pulling out the rapier* and jabbing at will?
(*rapier- a relatively slender, sharply pointed sword used mainly for thrusting attacks...)

4. Does the Ministry, or the B.U.T., even have to consider a group of 10 with no members?

Discussion went on way after the show was finished, it was rather passionate also, but The Talking Teacher still has that song running through the cranial membrane......

Now don't get me wrong, we do agree that things need to improve, and we do agree that there are some teachers not pulling their weight, however, if this group is really about helping and working together, a bit of advice: You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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