Sunday, September 28, 2008

Punctuation Day

Last week was "Punctuation Day". The Talking Teacher missed it, as he was not aware of it, but yes, last week was "Punctuation Day". This was taken from the L.A. Times. Do you know where your comma is?
The book Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss made at least a few people take more notice of punctuation. Click here to test your punctuation skills with the quiz from the publishers of this book.

But you're probably mistaken if you think normal activity for the fifth annual National Punctuation Day today will stop.

And everyone can take heed from the example of a Canadian company. A misplaced comma in a contract cost it $2.3 million when a judge ruled the agreement was not ironclad, as was believed. The judge said bad punctuation was no excuse.

"Punctuation has been devalued by a generation of computer wizards who ask, 'What's the point? Nobody writes in complete sentences anymore,' " says Jeff Rubin, founder of National Punctuation Day. "But the rules of proper punctuation haven't changed just because of computers."

So, think twice before you place your punctuation in that sentence. Happy punctuation day.

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