Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Interestingly enough, it seems that every time the Talking Teacher looks lately, I see something about educational reform. Interesting. The Talking Teacher wonders if it is because we here in Bermuda are now on this reform venture, or is it just reform season? Hmmmm, makes me wonder...

One of my meanderings brought me to this article which The Talking Teacher found to be rather interesting. It is on reform in Texas. I submit a piece of the article:

They've laid out the framework in a 48-page report called Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas.

Nearly two years in the making, the document spells out school leaders' thoughts on six key issues, including the use of digital technology, abuse of standardized testing and designing accountability systems that inspire excellence instead of punish perceived shortcomings.

The 35 superintendents from Dallas, Cypress-Fairbanks, Fort Worth, San Antonio and numerous rural and suburban school districts are responsible for educating about a quarter of the state's 4.7 million schoolchildren.

"We came together to say 'Stop this train that's going in the wrong direction,' " said Coppell school Superintendent Jeff Turner.

another part of the article says:

"When we look at our public schools today, I'd say they're doing a dadgum good job of preparing our kids for the 20th and 19th Century," Sockwell said. "It's almost like we need to blow it up and start over."

WOW!!! What a strong statement!! Reform, what a topic, where do we start? Where do we take it? One past TIME magazine issue highlighted the efforts of Michelle Rhee, who has caused a stir in Washington D.C. over her plan to reform their system.

So where does Bermuda's plan for reform fit into this whole movement for reform? We have addressed that there is a problem, this is good, the sticky part comes when trying to "fix" it.

All the best.....

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