Sunday, March 29, 2009

Join an organization!

Let me take this time to encourage you to join some type of professional organization. Why you may ask? Simple, if you want to be on top of the latest trends in education, feel the effects of collaborating with the leaders in your field, as well as getting motivation and fired up to tackle any problem with research based fact? JOIN!! I look forward every month to my copy of the ASCD journal, called Educational Leadership. It is chock full of the information that I need to brush up my skills and to bring cutting edge methods to my students. Whatever your area, I encourage you to join the association that goes with your area, here are a few: (click on them to go to the sites-not an exhaustive list)

NSTA National Science Teachers Association
NEA National Educators Association
NCTE National Council of Teachers of English
National Middle School Ass.
High School Association

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