Monday, April 13, 2009

Try something new in your class, encorporate technology. Want to hook all of your students? Take the battle to their ground, use what they know best to reach them. Here is what a school is trying:

DAVIE - The fourth-graders sit in clusters in a darkened classroom at Nova Blanche Forman Elementary School, headphones over their ears and pencils in hands, jotting notes into science journals as they watch a report on the sun's layers play on iPods.

Down the hall, a class of third-graders watches a podcast on iPods to help them solve math problems. And in another classroom, first-graders read books and create their own video book reviews for their classmates to watch.

At this elementary school, iPods are more than just trendy devices for listening to music or watching movies. They help give classroom lessons, facilitate parent-teacher conferences, serve as teacher-training tools and deliver messages from the principal.

Students still get traditional drills from teachers and textbooks, but the iPods are a regular part of the curriculum.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

What do you think? Try it, you just might hook them.

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