Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Powerful People!!!

Let me start by saying that the Talking Teacher loves 24th of May, in fact, it has to be the best holiday that Bermuda has as far as he is concerned. The floats, the bands, the schools the everything made the parade wonderful!! The race in the morning, I love it!!! Clapping the runners on, and cheering for them, gotta love it. The Talking Teacher stays until the last runner passes by as he feels that the last runner needs the encouragement more than the first ones. 

On another note, The Talking Teacher makes a motion that we ban Mondays from the work calendar. The week will go by faster and We will feel fresher by the time Wednesday comes...he he he 

But on to the matter at hand....

I must apologize that we do not have the audio to post of this afternoon's show, there was a technical glitch and we were not able to record it. This was a wonderful show though, we had Ms. Tina Duke, Ms. C. Douglas and Mrs. E. Albuoy were there to explain the roles of a para-educator and what they are trying to do to help our young scholars. These para-educators have been given the nickname- the Progressive Paras, as they are forward thinking and do things that are out of the ordinary. This view took them all the way to New Mexico where they attended a conference tailored to meet their needs. WOW!!!!! The Talking Teacher is impressed, to be really honest with you, I never even knew that these types of opportunities were available for them, but am glad to know that these professionals took advantage of what was there.

In fact, the show was so great, and these professionals are so progressively minded that a challenge was put out to them. In fact this challenge makes much sense, a lot of time, our para-educators feel that their voice is not heard and they do not have fair representation. The idea was floated that they form their own group, organization, under the B.U.T. umbrella. What a great idea!! Interested? shoot them an email at tduke@cedarbridge.doe.bm, they would love to hear your imput.

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