Thursday, May 15, 2008

Serious Times

We live in some serious times, there are things going on on this little island of mine that tell the Talking Teacher that these are some serious times. The violence, the crime, the drug usage, the condition of the roads (there are so many hills and valleys cut into the rods, I've never seen them so raggedy!! ), most of all, education. I mean, the Talking Teacher is aware that there are many players who are trying to present a new face of education. A new and improved look to education. My hope is that the educators are not left out of the equation any more- although it may be too late...

Have you ever received a Christmas gift or even a birthday gift from someone who thought they knew you and thought that the gift that they picked for you was the "right" one? Just perfect for you, you could see their excitement, their zeal as they passed the neatly wrapped gift to you, you were expecting something great, but when you opened it........ As much as they thought they knew you, they never asked you what you needed or wanted, what your likes were or even what your dislikes were. In other words, the person thought they knew you, but didn't. Their intentions (hopefully) were great, but the outcome was a little off. So there you stood standing there holding the gift, trying to smile, trying to appear appreciative, but knowing the person could se through the fake smile that you wore on the mask that you tried to place on your face.

The Talking Teacher hopes and prays that this doesn't happen to education. That is all the Talking Teacher will say on this for now...

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